Kateryna Pysmenna

Kateryna Pysmenna

Tech Researcher
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About the author

I love to get to the bottom of the topic I write about by investigating information from the web and personal interviews. I prefer numbers and facts from reliable sources like Crunchbase, New York Times, and Fast Company to eloquent epithets.

Thanks to interviewing smart people — experts in their fields — I'm able to learn from them and share value-packed insights with entrepreneurs, startup owners, and tech peers via the Mind Studios blog.

Roles in Mobile App Development Team: Tips, Structure
14 October 2024
Roles in Mobile App Development Team: Tips, Structure

What can be an indicator of well-coordinated teamwork? There have been many examples in our nine years of experience, but perhaps the most revealing one was the James Butler delivery mobile app project. We needed to organize the mobile app development process so smoothly that we could build four mobile apps — separately for buyers and couriers on iOS and Android platforms — in just three months. Knowing the secret of a well-organized mobile application development team firsthand, in this artic

How to Find the Target Audience for a Mobile App: Your Guide to Market Research
14 October 2024
How to Find the Target Audience for a Mobile App: Your Guide to Market Research

Thousands of apps emerge on app stores every day. Not marketed well, your app can turn into a needle that intended users will have to seek in a bundle of hay. But will they have to? To make people notice, download, and use an app unknown to them, you need to instill in them a belief that it can solve their issues better than any other existing solution. Doing this is impossible without a clear understanding of your target audience's underlying needs. That might be a lot of tremendous effort re

What to Do If You Have an App Idea: 9 Key Steps on Where to Start
14 October 2024
What to Do If You Have an App Idea: 9 Key Steps on Where to Start

When you get the best idea for an app, hundreds of questions immediately appear. It’s normal, especially the first time, but it tends to throw you for a loop. Based on our nine years of experience in mobile app development, we've prepared answers to the most frequently asked questions about what to do with an app idea and how to take an app idea to market. Take a look at this step-by-step guide to put your thoughts in order and turn your idea into a successful app. Contents: 1. Research

How to Write a Mobile App Requirements Document (+ Free Template Download)
14 October 2024
How to Write a Mobile App Requirements Document (+ Free Template Download)

Here, you will find a comprehensive guide on how to create a mobile app requirements document, based on Mind Studios’ experience. Highlights: * Based on our experience, rework can account for 40-50% of the total software development cost. * Learning how to build a mobile app requirements document reduces rework, saving time and money. * This document is a critical communication tool that aligns all the stakeholders under a shared vision. Did you know there are now 3.48 million mobile a

How AI Chatbots Influence Modern Healthcare Industry
20 September 2023
How AI Chatbots Influence Modern Healthcare Industry

The growing popularity of chatbots in healthcare seems something more than just a passing healthcare technology trend. The global healthcare chatbots market is projected to reach $431.47 million by 2028 at a CAGR of 15.20% over the 2022–2028 period. Is it surprising? Not really. As AI-driven technologies become smarter and more advanced, more and more industries are considering utilizing such solutions. This includes healthcare. Read further to learn how using AI chatbots in healthcare can he

How AI Can Enhance Diagnostics and Treatment Plans
15 October 2024
How AI Can Enhance Diagnostics and Treatment Plans

The rapid development of AI-driven tools affects all industries, healthcare included. These days, many healthcare organizations start questioning whether they should implement artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis processes or not. And some companies are already reaping the benefits of such decisions. Improving the accuracy of medical diagnostics and treatment is indeed a necessity these days. Each year in the US about 371,000 people die and 424,000 sustain permanent disabilities due to

9 Software Development Trends: Benefits and Use Cases
14 October 2024
9 Software Development Trends: Benefits and Use Cases

If following software trends haven’t been your top priority up to now, this has to change. Why? Because as 2023 brought more economic uncertainty, it has become even more critical for the companies to make wise business decisions and pick technologies that can help them increase savings and quickly adapt when necessary. So what are the top software development trends for 2023–2024? Mind Studios will gladly answer this question. One significant trend shaping the industry is the integration of l

Artificial Intelligence in Medical Billing Systems
15 October 2024
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Billing Systems

If you’re wondering whether you should utilize artificial intelligence for medical billing products, the short answer is yes. The demand for such products is growing steadily. Let’s see the numbers to confirm that. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the medical billing and coding field was expected to grow 7 percent from 2021 to 2031. This means that about 14,900 new jobs will open each year. At the same time, medical billing and coding workers still experience ce

Understanding the True Cost of Software Development
14 October 2024
Understanding the True Cost of Software Development

As the software development market continues to grow rapidly and steadily, so do software development costs. In 2022, IT spending on enterprise software worldwide reached around $783 billion, increasing by 7.1% compared to the previous year. In 2023, this spending is forecasted to amount to around $856 billion. This puts a strain on the market. 46% of IT companies in Europe and North America name increases in product costs as one of the main challenges they face when purchasing new hardware

Extend Your Software Development Team: Benefits and Best Practices
14 October 2024
Extend Your Software Development Team: Benefits and Best Practices

There are plenty of situations that might require an extended software development team. Tight deadlines, projects that exceed the team’s size, skill gaps, and limited staffing budget can lead to cases when hiring external employees will be the most efficient and cost-savvy solution. Statistics also support this: According to Deloitte’s global outsourcing survey of 2022, 57% of organizations name the overall need to cut costs the primary driver behind using the outsourcing model, while 49% als

How to Measure App Engagement: Top 7 User Engagement Metrics for a Mobile App
21 March 2024
How to Measure App Engagement: Top 7 User Engagement Metrics for a Mobile App

There are plenty of metrics for analyzing user engagement. However, you don’t need to track all of them. What user engagement metrics you should track depends on the specifics of your business and the category of your mobile app. Engagement metrics like the number of items added to the cart and the cart abandonment rate are highly relevant for eCommerce mobile apps but completely unusable for news or social media apps. In turn, for social media apps, it’s better to track the amount of time use

The Latest Trends in Web App Development for 2024: What to Expect from the Industry
15 October 2024
The Latest Trends in Web App Development for 2024: What to Expect from the Industry

In our fast-paced digital era, new trends and technologies are emerging every day, making websites more interactive, fast, and engaging. As a web development company, we’re interested in keeping abreast of these things. MyMP3Pool, a digital music streaming platform for DJs, was suffering from a significant decrease in user traffic when its owner came to us. We completely rebuilt the platform, which skyrocketed user engagement. According to the post-launch poll, 67.9% of MyMP3Pool users were sa

Why Choose Elixir For Your Project [Comparison + Our Expertise]
17 February 2023
Why Choose Elixir For Your Project [Comparison + Our Expertise]

Over the past ten years, more and more companies, among which are Pinterest, Moz, and Bleacher Report, have switched to Elixir. Not to mention products like Discord and WhatsApp that were built with Elixir right from the start. What's the reason? Simply put, using Elixir for development results in services capable of processing much bigger traffic. You'll get a platform that can quickly scale and grow without losing reliability while increasing overall performance. In business terms, it mean

How to Develop a Doctor Appointment App for a Clinic: Benefits and Key Features
6 June 2024
How to Develop a Doctor Appointment App for a Clinic: Benefits and Key Features

Empty slots. No-show patients. Annoyed staff overwhelmed with administrative tasks. You feel there must be something that can help your clinic sidestep all these issues. The coronavirus pandemic caused rapid demand for mHealth apps, and it continues to grow now. So developing a doctor appointment app seems like a good idea. But what features should your app provide to satisfy both doctors and patients? What technologies and tools to use to make your app work smoothly? How to set up the doctor

How to Build Your Own CRM System Software from Scratch
15 October 2024
How to Build Your Own CRM System Software from Scratch

Today, it's hard to imagine a company operating without a CRM system. However, not always the CRM users' expectations are met. For example, the MarTech Replacement Survey 2022 conducted among 300 marketing companies showed their teams were replacing marketing automation and CRM solutions at a higher rate than any other applications. Why so? When entrepreneurs apply to us to build a custom CRM system, usually we observe three main cases: 1. The number of clients increases greatly, so the Goo

Insurance App Development: How to Scale Your Business With an Insurance App?
6 June 2024
Insurance App Development: How to Scale Your Business With an Insurance App?

Insurance businesses are finally joining the trend: new insurance mobile apps are appearing more often today than a couple of years ago. Largely due to the benefits which mobile apps provide to insurance agencies: more satisfied customers, lower costs, and higher growth. In this article, we go over the insurance app development process and, based on the Mind Studios experience, provide a reliable estimate for building your own insurance mobile app. Why your insurance company needs a mobile

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