
Firebase vs Ruby: What Is Better for Backend In Mobile App Development?
15 October 2024
Firebase vs Ruby: What Is Better for Backend In Mobile App Development?

Backend stack choice for your iOS or Android app can be tough. Which is why here we look into Firebase vs Ruby on Rails-written backend, and investigate if there are any “kamikaze choices” of backend technology for a mobile application development. Are there any reasons not to use Firebase or Ruby? Is it possible to use firebase with Ruby on Rails? Let’s discover. Would you agree with me if I state that marketing is a contest for people’s attention? More to this, that marketing is too importan

Nightlife Event App Development: The Ultimate Guide
15 October 2024
Nightlife Event App Development: The Ultimate Guide

Here we discuss the question and pitfalls of how to make an event app for nightclubs. As relations in our society are reduced to swipes and likes, the events industry has also experienced a major change. And this change is the event apps we observe growing like mushrooms after the rain. We hang out all the time. No matter what kind of hang-out it will be - wine and dine evening in a sophisticated restaurant, an exciting Red Hot Chili Peppers concert or a mind-blowing club night with some

Main Reasons Why You App Fails and How to Fix It
15 October 2024
Main Reasons Why You App Fails and How to Fix It

“Why Mobile App Startups Fail? As compelling as your own inner doubts might be, we believe otherwise.” You had a dream of building your own, fully-functional and armed with unique features mobile or web project. Everything seemed to start flawlessly: you’ve found a team, you’ve brainstormed and analyzed all of the business opportunities possible, you had many stages and development iterations to pass - and finally, you have your fertile product, polished and already on-the-go. But somehow

Swift 3.0 vs Swift 4.0: What are the Main Differences Between Swift 3 and Swift 4
15 October 2024
Swift 3.0 vs Swift 4.0: What are the Main Differences Between Swift 3 and Swift 4

The day Apple releases a new version of the well-known Swift language has finally hit us. What should we expect from it? While trembling of anticipation, we have decided to present swift 3 vs swift 4 comparison and a tiny overview of the fresh updates that will be present in Swift 4 version. 3 Swift’s cornerstones. As a fantastic language to write code on, Swift has its own benefits, and is claimed to “outlive” the Objective-C language. You are welcome to read about the main differences b

Comparison: React Native vs Native App Development
18 November 2024
Comparison: React Native vs Native App Development

Could React Native framework compete with Native app development? It actually is one of those hybrid apps we hear so many opinions about these days. There are many cross-platform development tools, but the one we pay attention to in this text piece is React Native framework. Is React Native native? Let’s investigate the matter then. As multi optional as our world has become now, we get to make around 3500 decisions each day, and that’s not even the peak of it. This multi optional factor

Sketch Nested Symbols: How to make them Custom?
29 May 2023
Sketch Nested Symbols: How to make them Custom?

image made by Mind Studios' Lead Interface Designer Arsentiy Design is not a profession - it is the way of thinking, living and breathing. And it used to be ever more complex than it is now - in the “before Sketch era”. But a few years ago Sketch was delivered, and turned all the designers to take on the “vector” course in their work. What’s so good about Sketch? What are those Sketch symbols? As well a how to make custom Symbols in Sketch - these matters are going to be highlighted in this ar

How to Make Secure Online Payments In Your App
23 August 2023
How to Make Secure Online Payments In Your App

As our apps are defeating rades of notorious hacker attacks, seeming to rise out of nowhere and out of blue to challenge our mobile app payment security, the strive for mobile application security in big and small businesses has already started to take off. Everywhere, from an e-commerce shop and up to the higher institutions’ financial systems people request an online payment security app development. The top-searched request these days is: how to build up something with a higher protection lev

How to Turn a Website into a Native Android or IOS App?
30 January 2023
How to Turn a Website into a Native Android or IOS App?

How To Turn a Website Into a Native Android or IOS App? It goes without saying that the new era of mobile applications has come and every successful business can hardly ignore it. The increasing importance of apps in sales and marketing makes a lot of website owners think of moving most of their processes to a mobile platform. Which option is best - a website or an app? Every e-commerce platform owner happens to face this dilemma sooner or later. The statistics offered by Smart Insights prov

MVP vs MVC  vs MVVM vs VIPER. What is Better For iOS Development?
29 May 2023
MVP vs MVC vs MVVM vs VIPER. What is Better For iOS Development?

Same like every house has a solid basement, every software project, has a software architecture it is built on, and each project has its own app structure. The types of architectural patterns may vary, but there are 4 most commonly-used ones - the ones whole IT world continuously criticizes but keeps using at the same time: MVC, MVP, MVVM and Viper (the last one as iOS architecture pattern mostly). The comparison of these patterns and choosing a better fit for each Swift-written project’s case w

Laundry Application Development: The Ultimate Guide
15 October 2024
Laundry Application Development: The Ultimate Guide

Let’s face it that the on-demand services now, are literally everywhere, changing each aspect of our everyday life. Even, surprisingly enough, the sphere of chores. The question of making a laundry app and also the cost to develop a laundry app are the ones we raise here. Our daily routines used to involve loads of time spent on housework: cooking, cleaning, doing your laundry. Though, a decade ago, when the pace of life has increased significantly, the question of chores’ delegation rose.

6 Best Practices For Mobile UX Design
29 May 2023
6 Best Practices For Mobile UX Design

It's not about huge, ridiculous things that we need to do. It's about tiny things that can make a huge amount of difference. Paul Bennett, TED-talk “Design is in the details” It is not only about the devil who hides behind the details - it is also about the design itself. We often hear that the less design - the better, and the top-meeting our expectations design is the one which is totally unnoticeable to a user it interacts with. But what are the best practices for ux design these

What’s the Difference Between Accelerator And Incubator? What to Choose and Why?
15 October 2024
What’s the Difference Between Accelerator And Incubator? What to Choose and Why?

Every innovative idea that enters the world’s tech market today needs a support - in either acceleration or incubation forms; nonetheless, these two often get confused and mixed up. What is the difference between business incubator and accelerator, and which one is a better fit for your case? This article highlights the key figures of accelerator and incubator comparison. Spotify, Product Hunt and Uber - what do these three have in common? The answer is at your fingertips - these 3 amazing

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