
How Much Does It Cost to Run a Streaming Service like Twitch
1 June 2023
How Much Does It Cost to Run a Streaming Service like Twitch

Be it music, video, or games, streaming seems to be the way forward for media creators. It’s so popular that the competition is getting a bit tight. How to create a streaming service that will have high chances for success and how much does it cost? What technology is the best for streaming, and what features to offer your users? To answer the question in the headline, we estimate the cost of developing a streaming service like Twitch at around $90,000. However, it’s not a number set in stone,

Audiobook App Development: How to Make an App Like Audible?
24 January 2023
Audiobook App Development: How to Make an App Like Audible?

The audiobook market is one of the fastest growing and potentially profitable niches today. And it’s a niche that has yet to become oversaturated. With a well-thought-out strategy and a good grasp on the trends, audiobook app development is an endeavor with high chances of success. In this article, we talk about how to build an audiobook app, what to look out for, and how much it might cost. Read on for some industry insights and recommendations. State of the audiobook market Millennials

How to Make a Collaboration Platform Like Microsoft Teams
15 October 2024
How to Make a Collaboration Platform Like Microsoft Teams

Quality software is more integral for work now than ever. Here, we’ll talk about how to make a collaboration platform, the cost of building this kind of software, and how you can approach the process. How do collaboration tools for business differ from communication platforms? Remote work has been increasing in popularity for years, but 2020 has given us all a kick up the backside so hard we’re gonna have whiplash for years. The demand for all kinds of software to manage remote teams has ri

Developing an Anonymous Q&A App: How to Make an App Like YOLO
27 February 2023
Developing an Anonymous Q&A App: How to Make an App Like YOLO

In this article, we talk about how to make an app like YOLO, touch upon its ambiguity, and consider how much this kind of app might cost. Anonymity on the internet is a blessing for some and a curse for others, but it’s undeniably one of the most popular ideas for apps this year, and the forecasts are looking good for 2023. If you’re interested in anonymous question app development, this article will answer some of your inquiries. Content: 1. How the YOLO app works 2. The issue with ano

How to Make a Coffee App Like Starbucks
29 May 2023
How to Make a Coffee App Like Starbucks

In this article, we look at the Starbucks app phenomenon. We try to explain the popularity of Starbucks and describe what you need to create a mobile ordering app for your own coffee shop. Contents: * What is the secret of Starbucks’ popularity? * What does the coffee app market look like? * How does a coffee app like Starbucks work? * Payment System * Augmented Reality * Shop Locator * Now Playing * How to make a coffee app like Starbucks * Discovery Stage * Prototyping and Desig

Nightlife Event App Development: The Ultimate Guide
15 October 2024
Nightlife Event App Development: The Ultimate Guide

Here we discuss the question and pitfalls of how to make an event app for nightclubs. As relations in our society are reduced to swipes and likes, the events industry has also experienced a major change. And this change is the event apps we observe growing like mushrooms after the rain. We hang out all the time. No matter what kind of hang-out it will be - wine and dine evening in a sophisticated restaurant, an exciting Red Hot Chili Peppers concert or a mind-blowing club night with some

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