Mykyta Ivashchenko

Mykyta Ivashchenko

Tech Researcher
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About the author

A young copywriter who loves unveiling various IT mysteries for you.

Armed with genuine interest, researching skills and desire to share my knowledge, I am paving my way for reaching the most interesting points in my articles.

Sharing experience with competent writers and amazing IT experts of our company, I am happy to conquer the new copywriting frontiers.

Heart Rate Tracking App Development: Features and Best Practices
9 August 2024
Heart Rate Tracking App Development: Features and Best Practices

Building a heart-monitoring app in today's digital fitness industry, where innovation fuels growth and profit, is a promising venture. The rise of wearables and monitoring apps, especially for heart health, highlights a growing interest in this niche. So, what exactly does it take to create a heart-monitoring product that succeeds in a competitive market? Mind Studios has been working with fitness and healthcare software projects for over ten years now, and today, our portfolio contains thri

HL7 Integration in Healthcare: Benefits, Use Cases, and Challenges
8 December 2023
HL7 Integration in Healthcare: Benefits, Use Cases, and Challenges

Now, it’s not breaking news that almost every healthcare provider stores and operates clinical data digitally. And, theoretically, it should make it easy to access the data from other healthcare facilities per request. Let’s say, you are a doctor, and you require the patient’s laboratory results provided by another clinic. Getting it in several clicks would be more time-saving than asking your patient to specifically bring/send them to you, right? But unfortunately, the diversity of systems and

How Long Does it Take to Build an App in 2024
15 October 2024
How Long Does it Take to Build an App in 2024

With the continuous rise of the number of apps an average user interacts with, there is also a rise in the number of people who are interested in the unlimited possibilities an app development world can offer. Now, you need a good idea, an expert development team, and enough time and money to create your own solution. And the first question that comes to mind in such scenarios is “How much does it cost to make an app?”. As we’ve already covered this topic in one of our previous articles, so no

Top 5 Mobile App Development Trends in 2024
5 February 2024
Top 5 Mobile App Development Trends in 2024

“The IT world is changing rapidly” — that’s what we constantly hear from most media. And we aren’t exactly arguing that, we just think it’s better to talk about staying on the same page with the fast-changing world than to state its unique pacing over and over again. In this article, we're going to review what's popular and demanded in mobile app development, as well as look closely at the mobile app development latest trends. With our business being software development, we keep our eyes on t

From Idea to 10,000 Downloads: Your Comprehensive Mobile App Development Guide
15 October 2024
From Idea to 10,000 Downloads: Your Comprehensive Mobile App Development Guide

So you’ve come up with an app idea. That’s cool. You’re cool. Now you need to take that abstract idea and turn it into an actual application. The mobile app design and development process requires a lot of work (and time and money). But what about the details? How should you approach it? Where should you start? How do you maintain it, monetize, and market it? We have answers to these questions and many more. With more than a decade in business, we at Mind Studios successfully delivered various

How AI is Changing Medical Imaging
21 March 2024
How AI is Changing Medical Imaging

Due to its potential to revolutionize healthcare systems, the concept of using artificial intelligence (AI) in medical practice has attracted significant attention. However, the unpredictability of AI systems and the never-ending list of ethical and legal concerns made it so only a few AI algorithms have been implemented so far. One particularly useful use of artificial intelligence is in the realm of content creation, where generative AI excels. And there is content to be created in the medic

Conversational AI in Healthcare: 6 Use Cases
15 October 2024
Conversational AI in Healthcare: 6 Use Cases

According to MarketsandMarkets research, the conversational AI market size is expected to reach $29.8 billion by 2028, almost tripling its amount from 2023. AI-backed conversational tools are one of the most prevalent healthcare technology trends primarily because they can enhance user experience, engagement, and retention rates, improve accuracy, and reduce human errors – outcomes the healthcare industry urgently needs. For example, Ada Health – a conversational healthcare app – reported 90%

GPT-4 vs. GPT-3: Which Model to Use for Your Business
20 September 2023
GPT-4 vs. GPT-3: Which Model to Use for Your Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more and more of a trend every year. According to IDC, worldwide spending on AI-centered solutions is expected to reach $154 billion by 2024, showing an increase of 26.9% over the amount in 2022. The leader in terms of adoption rates and popularity among AI integrations is an acclaimed ChatGPT made by OpenAI, an American AI research laboratory. The newest release of the GPT-4 model and constant updates of the previous “GPT-n” series models lead to a logical

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